I develop UX/UI design strategies and implement intuitive & user-centered design solutions to support objectives and optimize available resources. That means:

  1. Without research, there is no good UX/UI design.

    We can try to imagine what our users need, but we aren’t them. Research helps us truly understand the users and their motivations.

  2. There is no good UX/UI design without understanding the available resources.

    We can’t just provide anything a user might need. I also make it my job to understand an organization or platform's limits regarding funding, time, front-end development, etc.

There are creative solutions to any UX challenge that keep in mind the boundaries of the two stakeholders. So I will Venn diagram the sh*t out of these and any other stakeholders to design the optimal user experience!

Languages: Dutch / English

Arantja Milena Rosalina

Inclusive UX/UI Designer

“I always knew you were going to do something with computers.”

My mother (2020)

I wonder why… 😄

About Arantja

As you have probably seen from my photo, I live an intersectional life as an Afro-Caribean Dutch woman. Even though this can be challenging at times, I believe this gives me a point of view that brings diversity to any topic. I also think that this is where I got my empathy from. I can imagine what all kinds of marginalized groups experience, and at the same time, I have learned to understand the policymakers and solution creators and how to navigate the culture we live in. This is where my dream came from: to work on topics such as social change, ethics, sustainability, and inclusivity. To help those who are being forgotten or misunderstood.

I am also neurodivergent; I have ADHD. Often, people think of this as a problem: people with ADHD wouldn’t be able to focus or finish anything, or they would distract anyone in their surroundings. For me, this is different. I was diagnosed late (2021) and had to find my path dealing with the challenges that I experienced. It made me very driven, involved, and motivated to succeed. I’m also aware of the things I’m less good at and thrive on cooperation with experts specializing in product management/development and engineering. However, my ADHD also comes with some superpowers. I’m a master at analytics; I understand the bigger picture, quickly dissect it, and work towards the goal systematically. Paraphrasing what a former client once said: I have an excellent eye for the deeper layers of anything. Thanks to that, both my visuals and content are strong.

Visual Storytelling

Now, I also want to highlight my storytelling skills. Having worked as a part-time videographer in another life for about nine years has taught me a thing or two about this. I helped entrepreneurs, brands, and creatives find and tell their authentic stories. Building a story for a video is no different than any other format, platform, or environment. Visual storytelling aims to understand what the (potential) user identifies with, which ideal narrative they write for themselves, and how they can become a part of that narrative. I decided not to leave that part out as it gives me another unique POV and skill I can implement when video becomes (or already is) an essential part of an organization. I don’t have to create them, but I understand the inner workings and how to communicate UX/UI-related needs to video departments, marketing teams, and video businesses.

Work experience

I have a degree and years of experience in design, branding, and brand strategy. I continue to develop myself through education to stay updated on the topics that interest me. My latest developmental experience was a UX/UI Design Bootcamp by Ironhack.

Reading list

  • Microcopy: The Complete Guide

  • The Accessibility Operations Guidebook

I transform this experience and knowledge into designs across various formats, platforms, and environments, including visual identities, websites, apps, social media, and video.


Clients & Employers